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Monday, February 7, 2011

Apprehensive With My State Now

Indonesia is my state, i'm very dissapointed with this country. Low law enforcement made anything to be chaos.
The corrupt goverment increase bad condition in this country. To get justice is not easy, you need to pay lawyer highly, because they traded law here, who's have a lot of money so he got his justice.

Besides low law enforcement, here you will find some organizations that free to do violence, and the worse is the goverment no take action to prevent and stop it. This organization consists of people with low education, that's why they are easyly provoked by their leadr of organizationz to commit violence. Actually, they're just fools who don't know anything even about religion.
I'm a moslem, but i hate violence, i love concord. They shouted the name of God when they commit violence. Oh my God, i was never taught to commit violence in my religious. So, where they got such a doctrine. I'm increasingly convinced that they are morons.

Indonesia is not just their organization. Indonesia is "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" it means Indonesia have many cultures, Indonesia has composed of numerous ethnics, religions, languages that mutual respect.

I hope it will not does for long time, i feel uncomfortable in my own country. Indonesia, let's do revolution, we have to change, we have to unite, we are Indonesia.

I Love Indonesia

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