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Monday, August 23, 2010

Sit, Watch, and Type

I do something bored everyday, i sit, watch, and type.I have ever to try to do something else, but again, i'm back to my old activity.I sit in front of television, i watch news, comedy, etc. While i type some word at my notebook. sometimes i laugh, sometimes i moody, and maybe i was sad.I have strong spirit, but i didn't have much supports.Everynight i thought about future, destination, and me.I have planned a lot of bussiness, but it's not work better.sometimes i've got, i have to got achievement.Anywhere But H...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Spirit Carries On

Where did we come from?Why are we here?Where do we go when we die?What lies beyond,And what lay before? Is anything certain in life?They say " Life is too short", "The here and the now" And " You`re only given one shot"But could there be more, Have I lived before, Or could this be all that we`ve got?If I die tomorrow, I`d be alright Because I believeThat after we`re gone, The spirit carries onI used to be frightened of dying, I used to think death was the endBut that was before I`m not scared anymoreI know that my soul will transcendI may never find all the answers, I may never understand whyI may never prove What I know to be trueBut I know that I still have to tryIf I die tomorrow I`d be alright Because I believeThat after we`re gone, The...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

See Nothing


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